Trademark ANACONDA
Equipment Handles - Two-Piece Design

Equipment Handles - Two-Piece Design

Black Aluminium Grip Bar, Glass-Reinforced Nylon Upper. Ideal for fitting to standard 19inch drawers.

Part NumberTypesizeInstallation TypepackPrice/Package/pcprice/pc
4633691@401231695588,1(2U)*110 pc12 EUR19 EUR
4633701@40123110288132,5(3U)*110 pc13 EUR21 EUR
4633711@401231114100132,5(3U)*110 pc14 EUR22 EUR
4633721@401231134120177(4U)*110 pc15 EUR22 EUR
4633731@401231194180221,5(5U)*110 pc17 EUR26 EUR
4633741@401231249235266(6U)*110 pc19 EUR30 EUR
4633752@401231655588,1(2U)*110 pc17 EUR27 EUR
4633762@4012319888132,5(3U)*110 pc18 EUR29 EUR
4633772@401231110100132,5(3U)*110 pc19 EUR29 EUR
4633782@401231130120177(4U)*110 pc19 EUR30 EUR
4633792@401231190180221,5(5U)*110 pc21 EUR33 EUR
4633802@401231245235266(6U)*110 pc23 EUR36 EUR
4633813@@401231705588,1(2U)*110 pc17 EUR26 EUR
4633823@@40123110388132,5(3U)*110 pc18 EUR28 EUR
4633833@@401231115100132,5(3U)*110 pc18 EUR28 EUR
4633843@@401231135120177(4U)*110 pc19 EUR30 EUR
4633853@@401231195180221,5(5U)*110 pc21 EUR33 EUR
4633863@@401231250235266(6U)*110 pc23 EUR35 EUR
4633871@401231432943,5(1U)*210 pc12 EUR19 EUR
4633881@40123187,573,588,1(2U)*210 pc13 EUR20 EUR
4633891@401231132118132,5(3U)*210 pc14 EUR22 EUR
4633901@401231176,5162,5177(4U)*210 pc16 EUR25 EUR
4633912@40123187,577,588,1(2U)*210 pc18 EUR28 EUR
4633922@401231132122132,5(3U)*210 pc19 EUR30 EUR
4633932@401231176,5166,5177(4U)*210 pc21 EUR33 EUR
4633943@@40123187,572,588,1(2U)*210 pc17 EUR27 EUR
4633953@@401231132117132,5(3U)*210 pc19 EUR29 EUR
4633963@@401231176,5161,5177(4U)*210 pc20 EUR32 EUR

* 1U = 44.45mm or 13/4inch.
@ Fitting for Type 1 and 2; M5 female-threaded blind brass bus.
@@ Fitting for Type 3; supplied with socket head cap screws M5 x 45 and self-locking nuts

Prices are without VAT. If specified order number, please, it will add it to the selected type of goods. We will be glad to send you any quantity. In case of large subscriptions, please contact us.

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